Learn how to create highlight summaries of specific articles or chapters between posts.
To make sure readers never miss important information, make your posts more visible with the following features: No highlight Post will appear, as usual, in chronological order. Highlight Post ist highlighted in colour, displayed in chronological order. Pin Post is fixed at the first position in the biog, time is not displayed. Pin & Highlight Post is fixed at the first position and highlighted in colour (can be changed in the Theme Generator), the time is not displayed.
Release date: July 2023 With this new update highlighted posts can be displayed as bullet points (list) or as a slideshow above your liveblog. Your readers will now be able to navigate your liveblogs better, increasing your engagement, retention rates, and potential ad revenue. Here's what the different display options mean: Chapters (default) - created chapters between individual posts are displayed as bullet points above the liveblog feed and link to the respective chapter. Highlights: list - posts that are "highlighted" appear as bullet points (list) above the liveblog feed and link to each respective post. Highlights: slideshow - posts that are "highlighted" appear as a slideshow above the liveblog feed and link to the respective post. List of scorers (available for sports templates) - goal scorers are displayed below the scoreboard. None - highlighted posts and chapters are not displayed.
Use chapters to organise your Liveblog and categorise your posts by publication date, topic, author, etc. The created chapters will automatically appear at the top as a list. This will help your readers easily navigate through your blog and quickly find and jump to the posts that interest them most.