With Pinned Posts, you can fix specific posts at the top of your live blog. They remain at the top even as new posts are added, ensuring important content is always visible.

How to Create a Pinned Post:

  1. Create a new post in the live blog
  2. Open Settings (below the Rich Text field)
  3. Select "Pin"
  4. Save the post – it is now pinned at the top of the live blog.

How Pinned Posts Are Displayed:

  • Pinned Posts always appear at the top of the live blog but below a Highlight List or Slideshow if one is enabled.
  • They remain fixed even when new posts are added.
  • Pinned posts can also be visually highlighted with a custom color.

Best Use Cases for Pinned Posts:

Fix the most important news of the day at the top of the live blog.